Sunday, August 10, 2008

New Toy at the Davis'

Each year, Brian has my permission to buy ONE Playstation game. Usually it is NCAA football which comes out about this time each year. However, this year Brian decided he wanted to get Guitar Hero instead. So Friday night, he and Kevin went out to Sam's in search of a game. When they got home, I was one the computer and Kevin comes running in saying "mommy, mommy, daddy bought me Rock Guitar Band". Although the child cannot play it, he absolutely loves it and wants daddy to be the "pink girl" quite often! :) Sam,on the other hand, will sometimes watch, but has also learned how to sleep through guitar hero rather well!

Brian offered to teach me to play -- although you know my coordination skills aren't really that great (not sure they have ever been good). It seems he will have some takers on that though as folks in Sunday School this morning were already discussing the need for a second guitar! :)

Kevin & Brian playing

Sam watching the boys play

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