Monday, November 17, 2008

Family Picture Fiasco!

To say that our family picture outing this year was a fiasco, may be an understatement. I really wanted to get our picture taken outside this year, so I scheduled it and didn't think twice about the weather (it has been SO super nice here). Well, as luck would have it, Saturday was sunny, but cold. I just knew that my babies would never smile when it felt like 20 degrees outside! So, much to my dismay, we moved indoors.
Things seemed to go downhill from there...

When we got to Jeff's, Kevin completely lost it and start bawling and clutching onto Brian and I. I figured he would settle down a bit... which didn't really happen until about 2 minutes before we were ready to leave. And then it was just because I bribed him with a sucker.
Then, just when Kevin was cooperating, Sam decided he had enough! So, you know that I gave him a sucker too! Why not? Kevin had a stick hanging out of his mouth, so the more the merrier! Despite all that we went through, the picture of all 3 boys with suckers is my absolute favorite...

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