Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Okay, so we are really bummed out that Sam's surgery didn't happen today. We know that God did answer our prayers... just not in the way we anticipated them being answered. Since he had an ear infection and cough, the anesthesiologist would not agree to go forward with the surgery. It was a bit frustrating since it seemed like he made up his mind before he actually saw or listened to Sam. Not to mention that we took the day off and went all the way to Joplin for what turned out to be nothing. There are actually lots of negatives to all that happened today... but as I said, we are confident that God answered the prayers and this is how it is supposed to be for now.

On the positive side, we did get the chance to spend some time together today, which is always good. Brian & I took the boys for breakfast before we dropped Kevin off at school. We also got to eat dinner all together (which seldom happens on Wednesday night) and I got to be at AWANA tonight! I forgot how much I loved being there and hugging all those little Cubbies. So... lots of positives too! You just have to find them! :)

Just wanted to share a few pictures from the day...

Sam on the way to Joplin

Sam all ready to go for surgery (obviously before they decided not to do it!).

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