Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I wish...

How on earth is it that I have completely lost 4 months since I have been on this blog? I wish I had more time to record the fun & crazy goings on in our lives...

Unfortunately, I can't seem to get caught up in everything else and forget all about updating it! I have been inspired by my friend (and amazing hairstylist!) Brittney and decided it was time to get back after it.... so here goes...

The most eventful time lately has been trying to get our family pictures taken a few weeks ago. It is always some sort of huge ordeal to get us all coordinated, ready & out the door - let alone to get everyone to smile and look at the camera. It is truly an exhausting ordeal! :)

Last year, we used suckers... this year it was Obi Wan and smarties. Kevin insisted that his Obi Wan figurine had to be in the picture too... so the first 20+ pictures included Obi Wan out in the open. Brian eventually convinced him to put it in his pocket (thank goodness!). Sam on the other hand just wanted to run after the first 10 shots, so I tried desperately to keep him happy with Smarties. You can tell in some of the pictures as he has his hand to his mouth! :) All in all, it was a much more positive experience than last year & I look forward to when it becomes easier! :)

Here are some of the better ones...

1 comment:

John, Brittney, and Trevor said...

I am so excited about your blog. It is so much fun to keep up with friends and their crazy, beautiful lives. I like it for myself so I can look back at my post from a year ago and remember what milestones we hit or what goofy thing we did. It's our journal/scrapbook!! Your boys are so adorable and I love all your pictures. I don't think your family could take a bad pic. Have a great weekend! Love you guys